BIG BANG, Listaháskóli Íslands, List fyrir alla, Tónlistarborgin Reykjavík, Barnamenningarhátíð og Reykjavíkurborg kynna:David Chocron!Hvað er saga og af hverju segjum við þær? Hvernig má nota frásagnarlist og tækni sem verkfæri í skapandi ferli og tjáningu?Fyrirlesturinn Connecting the Dots er hugbreytandi og áhugavert ferðalag þar sem kjarni, uppbygging og form sögunnar og frásagnarlista er tekin fyrir og sett í samhengi við önnur listform, tónlist, dans og myndlist.
David er listamaður og tónskáld sem verður á landinu í tilefni BIG BANG tónlistarhátíð fyrir börn sem haldin er í Hörpu á Sumardaginn fyrsta þann 20. apríl frá 11:00-16:00, verið öll hjartanlega velkomin.Frekari upplýsingar:
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Connecting the Dots* is about stories and the power of storytelling.
What is a story? Why do we tell stories? Connecting the Dots is relevant for all creators and mediators of art and culture, educators og enterpreneurs as well as anyone who is just curious about the essence of STORY.David’s lecture will be held in Iceland University of the Arts, Laugarnesvegur 91 at 10:00-12:00.David Chocron is an Award-winning multimedia artist and composer. He takes his audience on a thought-provoking, entertaining and inspiring journey – surveying the essence, the structure and the forms of story and storytelling, and how these relate to other art forms. David illustrates how music, dance, visual arts and even the culinary arts employ elements of storytelling.Connecting the Dots is creative cross-trainingfor artists, producers or content-creators, as well as students and enthusiasts of the arts. David invites us to think outside of our own creative boxes and find tools, techniques and inspiration everywhere.
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